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Yoga Nutrition and Wellness

A quick outline about Yoga Mental Health Nutrition

Today Yoga is worldwide famous, and the UK’s number of people who practice it is increased in the last few years. Yoga Mental Health Nutrition

Yoga is an ancient practice, and its history started about 5000 years ago in India. The meaning of Yoga consists of removing barriers between our mind and body and reconnecting them by practising breathing, posture and concentration exercises. Consequently, to get the best from your Yoga, you will need good nutrition too that support your mind and body. We know we have different types of Yoga. This article will explore the benefits of Yoga associated with a good diet in terms of detoxing and recovery. Without a doubt, we can resume Yoga in three words: Body, Spirit and mind. We find six different branches, all of which have a distant target. For example, Karma yoga aims to remove our negativity and selfishness. Bhakti Yoga helps to reinforce devotion and positive thinking. You can find more by clicking here.

Firstly, let’s have an outline of the fascinating yoga world.

Indian people believe that our body is so much more than the brain, body, or human physiology. Our body consists of different layers of energies around the body. Our spiritual body comes from the interaction of all these energy layers. 

Experts call these energies “prana,” They travel through different channels (Nadis). The intersection point of this energy makes the seven “Chakras” points, along our spine, of a high-intensity level power that spin all over the body. The seven “Chakras” regulate different aspects and behaviours of our lives. Yoga helps us to keep our channels free from patterns and negative thoughts. That will balance our energy all over our bodies and reflect on a healthy lifestyle.


After that, we can understand better why good nutrition and diet associated with yoga help increase our ability to detox. Yoga Mental Health Nutrition

According to NHS, Yoga helps flexibility, breathing, and strength to support our Mental Well-being. Research has shown that there are several benefits of doing Yoga:

  • It helps our balance.
  • Doing at least two Yoga classes a week reduced the risk of heart diseases.
  • Also, it helps to regulate our blood pressure.
  • Reduce our aches and back pain.
  • Support and promotes flexibility and strength.
  • Helps our muscles
  • Support our heart and breath
  • It is an excellent tool that helps to treat addictions
  • Improves our mental health by reducing our anxiety, depression and improving our lifestyle.

Despite the myth, anyone can enjoy Yoga at any age in his life.

There is no requirement to start, and we do not have to be fit. Also, we have many different styles of Yoga, and we can choose what the best for us is.

As we said, Yoga brings balance to our body and mind. Therefore we get the most healing when our body, mind, and nutrition are well-balanced. Mindful eating can be considered a type of meditation where we work out our emotions while eating food. For example, do we eat our food very fast, very slowly in the right amount of time? You have the answer. The extraordinary thing is that mindful eating can help us maintain a healthy lifestyle. That will lead to the use of fresh seasonal foods, and in the correct amount. Our gut will be more relaxed and absorb better nutrients that support our body and brain, such as antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals such as zinc, potassium, and manganese. Yoga Mental Health Nutrition

Yoga helps you put down the stress and achieve serenity for your body and mind. Several poses will help your organs detox while you intake good nutrients by choosing a healthy food option. Therefore, increasing your self-esteem reduces the risk of eating disorders and will cope with any of your addiction cravings.

Yoga and food intake: Tamas, Rajas and Sattva.

Ayurveda is one branch of yoga philosophy. It says that three different types of vital energy, Tamas, Rajas and Sattva, can be found in different areas of our life, therefore in nutrition.

Tamas represents food that does not give you any energy, consisting of onions, garlic, tobacco (tobacco intended as a plant), legal and illegal drugs, meat and fish.

Rajas contain all the foods that affect us and control our emotions, including spicy food, coffee, and sugars.

Last we have Sattva group considered the excellent food for our body and mind. Surprisingly, it coincides with all the five groups: legumes, cereals and grains, milk, potatoes, vegetables, and fruits. Note that we miss meat and fish in this group because they are included in the Tamas food group for religions and cultural beliefs.


Yoga is a powerful holistic way to reach control of our bodies and mind, it consists of different branches, and it is famous worldwide.

It is strictly related to good nutrition, and together they can help you reach a good level of psychological wellness.



Yoga Facts


We have between 300,000 and 460,000 yogis in the UK


Yoga largest class was held in Delhi during the Yoga Global Day.


Yogis believe that moon phases could affect yoga practices, due a large amount of water in our bodies. Consequently, Moon Days are a rest day for anyone who practises yoga.

yoga and nutrition
healthy eating barriers
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Planning On Changing Your Lifestyle?

Trying to focus on the solution rather than the causes. That will lead you to a different level of thinking, reduce your stress, and make you feel better. Being constantly under stress increase the level of cortisol. Cortisol loves to help our body to store fat in our hips and our abdomen.

Right now, we know how to identify our triggers and learn how to deal with them. After that, the biggest challenge has an action plan to prevent relapse. A good relapse prevention plan includes three main steps. Firstly, recognize your triggers, secondly, deal with them and finally use our self-efficacy to deal with them without back in the old habits.

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