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How to spot mental health in your Children

 Anxiety, depression, and other mental health could affect anyone at any age—however, children vulnerable people. Consequently, traumas, misunderstood behaviours, and inside conflicts can drastically impact their adult age by opening the doors of mental health and addictions. Duo lockdown kids and teenagers have been forced to stay at home, making it difficult for everyone. Suddenly, lockdown does not help too much.


“The risks to children’s health, wellbeing and futures are profound:

  • Education:700 million days of education could be lost this school year.
  • Nutrition: More children in the UK will face food insecurity as job losses take their toll on family finances
  • Health: A stretched health system means children have less access to healthcare and other essential services
  • Protection: Thousands of children are at greater risk of abuse in their homes and online. People Mental Health Child
  • Participation: Across the board, the voices of children and young people have been absent from decisions made about their lives.”

We know! All the kids have different personalities. Some of them are timid, and others love to socialise. Some of them are smarter than others. Consequently, the only way to notice anything wrong with them could be to follow their behaviour and listen to them. If you see that they have become very withdrawn, sad, tearful and have no appetite, probably something is going on with them. Besides, you can notice a different interest in things or no interest at all, and they can look hopeless or cannot sleep. These are just a few signs that kids are suffering from mental health.


The way how it works People 

Along with the lockdown problems, some behaviours could be harmful to your child. Many reasons could occur, such as 

  • Someone bullies him at school.
  • Parents’ behaviours.
  • Socialising problems.
  • Health issues.
  • Losing someone dear.
  • They felt misunderstood.

These factors can affect your children’s behaviour, leading them to avoid social interactions, consistently low mood or sadness, and changes in food preferences. And habits. Besides, irritability and harmful behaviour could occur.

In this case, the best way is to talk to the child and let him open up. Shouting at him in front of people, judging him, laughing at him, or comparing the child to other children will worsen. As a result, he will isolate himself, build a wrong perception of himself, and drastically change his behaviour. 

Children need to socialise, go to school, establish bonds with people and have their first experiences. When this does not happen, we have an increasing level of anxiety that could lead to health diseases. After all, they are forced to stay at home, and social life dies opposite their monitor, between PSP, Gamebox, internet and social networks. As we said, this kind of life is perfect for developing mental health and anxiety. People Mental Health Child

In some cases, talking to the children is not enough, and probably they need professional help from GP. After a proper investigation, the GP will understand the cause of depression and anxiety. Also, he can refer your child to specific professional help such as the Children and young people’s mental health services. In addition, you can have a double-check at the following website YoungMinds 

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Children and Mental Health Facts.


Mental disorders affect 20% of children in the world


70% of children and young people who experience mental health does not receive appropriated support


Children who live in low income family are more likely to suffer from mental health.

Planning On Changing Your Lifestyle?

Trying to focus on the solution rather than the causes. That will lead you to a different level of thinking, reduce your stress, and make you feel better. Being constantly under stress increase the level of cortisol. Cortisol loves to help our body to store fat in our hips and our abdomen. Right now, we know how to identify our triggers and learn how to deal with them. After that, the biggest challenge has an action plan to prevent relapse. A good relapse prevention plan includes three main steps. Firstly, recognize your triggers, secondly, deal with them and finally use our self-efficacy to deal with them without back in the old habits.

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