Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa occurs when an individual develops an extreme fear of gaining weight due to a wrong perception of his body. It is prevalent in women and mental health with more suicides. Usually leads to alcoholism and addiction to cope with fear of weight gain and other related-problems.


Bulimia consists of eating many foods while we fear gaining weight. That can lead the individual to induce self-vomit or other techniques to swallow foods or lose weight. That includes using and abusing legal and illegal drugs and extreme exercise.
Physical symptoms include obesity and obesity-related diseases. Eating a large number of foods usually between two hours. Other common signs are constipation, malnutrition, teeth problems. Mental symptoms of bulimia are isolation, anxiety, hiding when eating, fear of weight gain, feeling guilty about eating and moods swings.

Binge Eating Disorder

This eating disorder is similar to bulimia but miss the feeling of shaming and guilty. Consequently, individuals who suffer from BED do not practice purge. They eat for the pleasure to eat. Same as above, we have physical and mental symptoms and related obesity diseases.


A typical feed and eating disorder affects a woman during pregnancy and childbirth. Pica consists in eating non-nutrient foods such as clay, ice, soap and other objects on different occasions during one month. Usually, Pica is associated with iron and zinc deficiency and sometimes comorbidity with other mental health. People who suffer from Pica can show gut problems related to their intake object. Signs of Pica are low levels of iron and zinc with consequent anaemia, besides gut problems duo the object they ingest.

Rumination Disorders

Rumination disorder is very similar to reflux. However, it has different causes and symptoms. Rumination disorder is not related to gut problems but psychological, and the reflux is different from the reflux we have when we do not digest. For example, it does not give the sense of burning duo acid gastric.

Avoidant/ Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

This type of eating disorder occurs when an individual has a very restricted diet or avoids many foods. It is very different from being picky, and it is related to a drastically reduced weight concerning sex and age. Avoidant restrictive food can lead to severe panic behaviour towards new foods. It can be becoming normal to use specific utensils to cook reduced certain types of foods.

Other Un/specified Feeding Or Eating Disorders

These disorders fail diseases that show similar symptoms and signs of classified eating disorders. But they still do not reach the criteria to be classified as the disorders above. For example, the case of binge eating disorders that meet the criteria for eating every two hours or type of anorexia nervosa fail in this category of eating disorders.