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10 Tips on how to detox your body, lose weight and boost your metabolism.

Our body is the only place where we will stay all our life. Consequently, it is good to treat it nicely.

1) Stop putting harmful food in your body.

 The best way to detox our bodies and brains is to stop putting harmful food and compounds in our bodies. That will allow our bodies to restore and repair faster. Harmful compounds in our bodies keep our organs busy. Firstly the digestive system will be busy digesting something he cannot. After that, the liver and kidneys go under pressure as they are the organ preposted to detoxify our bodies. If they cannot be excreted, harmful substances will stay in our organism and damage our organs and systems. That will increase the risk of diseases or can even cause death.

2)Drink plenty of water.

and a glass of water after waking up and before breakfast will help you clean your system. Water is an essential nutrient. It has many functions in our bodies, and it is involved in any chemical process. Without water, life cannot be possible. 

3) Eat vegetables and fruits. 

Vegetables and fruits are plenty of vitamins and minerals. They will boost the detox process and will make you feel better. Beets, kale, spinach, and green leafy vegetables are indicated, including cherries, citrus, and grapefruits.

To lose weight, we look at carbohydrates, the primary energy source for our bodies. A diet low in carbs and fat can help you lose and maintain weight.

4)Eating carbohydrates such as Oatmeals and grains, potatoes and starchy vegetables.

Because of their chemical composition, these carbohydrates will take longer to digest. Experts call them “slow-release” foods. That will create the feeling of satiety and help you avoid other foods. Besides that, carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for our bodies.

5) Dark chocolate minimum 80% cocoa.

Good dark chocolate, I always suggest 100% dark chocolate brings many benefits to bodies and brain. Chocolate is made from the cocoa plant seeds, and research has shown it has antioxidant properties that boost our brain and is rich in flavonoids, compounds that help our bodies. It promotes wellness, weight loss and low blood pressure.

6) Eating less fat and the right amount of protein.

When it comes to fat, there is a lot of public confusion. In terms of nutrition, nutritionists describe lipids as specific compounds and specific properties. These compounds include Fats and oils. Fats are usually related to animal fats, while oils are liquid lipids at room temperature. Our bodies need triglycerides or “good fats.” These can be found in milk, eggs, lean meats, and oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines; avocado and legumes are excellent fats sources. Proteins have a significant role in our life. We find them all over our bodies, from the lumen of any organ to hair, skin, and nails. They work as enzymes, like neurotransmitters and are a source of energy. Lean meats, such as chicken, poultry, games, and turkey, are excellent sources of proteins. They are found in white eggs, tofu, soybeans and legumes. If you want to check how much protein you need, or your body composition, you can do it by clicking here

7) Cardio exercise. 

Doing 15 minimum cardio exercise a day will boost your metabolism and promote weight loss. It will reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and improve your agility and flexibility. Exercising provides psychological benefits; it helps you focus, reach your target, and gain self-confidence. 

8) Do not skip meals. 

Skipping meals does not work. It increases the risk of eating disorders, stops you to eat healthily, and reduce the amount of energy. Skipping meals can lead to nutrients deficiency and malnourishment.

9) Focus on quality rather than quantity. 

We live in a society where quantity makes the math. Our bodies have their own rules, when to eat and what to eat. You will be surprised that our diet does not work in “eat a lot, and you will be healthy.” He does not care about what we eat but what he can get from our food. 

An average adult man needs about 2000-2500 calories. That has to come from food. Half of our daily intake should be carbohydrates, an equal amount of protein and fat and a smaller amount of vitamins and minerals. 

We crave food when we eat in a way that our bodies do not like. When our bodies and brain do not get this type of food, they will ask you to get it by producing the sensation of hunger. If you eat differently from what he likes in the long term, the brain will produce a different stimulus called craving. Consequently, he uses the nutrients you provide but craves more as soon he consumes them.

10) Spend time on things you love. 

Research has shown that spending time thinking we love boosts our bodies and brain by promoting different neurotransmitters. That includes oxytocin, Gaba, Serotonin, dopamine, and adrenalin. These neurotransmitters are responsible for our emotions, feelings, mood and appetite. 95% of Serotonin, responsible for mood and appetite, is produced in our gut. That explains in part the link between food and mood. Oxytocin is produced in the hypothalamus, stimulated when we hug or bond with people. Of course, oxytocin has so many more biological functions. Gaba is responsible for our stress. Dopamine and Adrenaline are responsible for our mood and emotions.

Conclusion. To detox, lose weight and boost our metabolism, we should make a good lifestyle change. Eating the right amount of food from the five groups, spending time on things we love, exercising and staying hydrated. That is more a lifestyle. It requires a lot of sacrifice and committee. The result is guaranteed, as we will get longer and happier life.


Detox your body, lose weight and boost your metabolism. Facts


Mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and stress can be reduced by having a healthy eating


Cereals, Oats, and grains in the right amount promote weight loss.


Vegetables and fruits helps with weight loss, and gives you vitamins, minerals and fibers

nutrition and diabetes

Planning On Changing Your Lifestyle?

Trying to focus on the solution rather than the causes. That will lead you to a different level of thinking, reduce your stress, and make you feel better. Being constantly under stress increase the level of cortisol. Cortisol loves to help our body to store fat in our hips and our abdomen. Right now, we know how to identify our triggers and learn how to deal with them. After that, the biggest challenge has an action plan to prevent relapse. A good relapse prevention plan includes three main steps. Firstly, recognize your triggers, secondly, deal with them and finally use our self-efficacy to deal with them without back in the old habits.

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